Ojojoj, dubble me? Watzzup? The sky? Why do I keep saying that? And why do i typing in english? Lot of questions this evning, and not one answer. I am really tired at the moment. Maby that's on of the reason I chose this language for this update? Well.. I got a feeling that some of you readers have stop read this input beacuse of it's not in swedish. So I say congratulations to all of you that still reads. You'll get an A in class some day. I mean grades now, for those of you who didn't understood that. As I said before, I am really tired. My SMS-buddies is sleeping (exept one that i just started my very first conversasion with. Interesting, hu?) so I have nothing to do. I think I will go to bed now. Tomorrow will be a good day, becuase me and my best friend is going to watch HIF - IFK Norrköping at Olympia. Like.. awesome?

Goodnight to those of you that's still awake, and good morning to you that's asleep and will se this tomorrow. Peace out!


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